Our affiliate program is hosted by RegNow.com, one of the oldest and most popular software affiliate websites. SoftLocker.net and the SoftLocker ListBuilder both have 40% commission rates. Signing up is easy and only takes a few minutes. RegNow ensures that there is no "leakage" in your referrals by certifying that you will be given credit for every sale you refer.
If you use SoftLocker.net or SoftLocker ListBuilder you can embed your RegNow affiliate ID within your own locked files. Just fill in your RegNow affiliate ID when locking your file:
Doing so will cause the following buttons to be displayed in your software:
Clicking the download trial button will allow the customer to download a trial that is embedded with your affiliate ID. Clicking the Buy button will bring the customer to your RegNow purchase page for the product.
Viewing Products and Creating Links
The easiest way to get links is to log in to your RegNow account and visit the following URL:
That will display all of our currently available affiliate products, including SoftLocker.net and RebrandSoftware.com, in the format listed below:
Clicking on any product name will bring you to a product detail page where you can generate links. You will have access to:
Product Description
Box Shot
468x60 Banner (standard)
125x125 Banner
120x90 Banner
728x80 Leaderboard
250x300 Square banner
Suggested Text Links
To generate direct links or Trial Download links, click the "Sales Links" button as shown below:
On this page there will be one link for direct purchases, and one link in Green for Trial Download links. Using these links your affiliate ID will be automatically inserted into the trial download as soon as the download occurs.
Pad Files
If you need access to information about individual programs you may use our PAD files. They are XML documents that describe all of our available products and include affiliate information. These files can be imported directly into your shareware website. We use the PadMap format to list our PAD files. Our padmap.txt file is located at RebrandSoftware.com at the following URL: